Guest lecture: Tihana Nemćić, Breaking Barriers in Coaching

Tihana Nemćić, a former professional football and futsal player, is breaking barriers in the world of coaching. She made history when she became the first woman to coach a men’s national team in her country, Croatia. Nemćić is now the coach of the Croatian national women’s football team.

Futsal is a variant of football that is played indoors, and it is popular in many countries. Nemćić’s team was a pioneer in Croatia, and it helped to lay the foundation for the growth of women’s football in the country.

After her playing career ended, Nemćić turned to coaching. She started with youth teams and worked her way up to the national level. Her breakthrough came in 2017 when she was appointed as the coach of the Croatian men’s futsal team. It was a historic appointment, as no woman had ever coached a men’s national team in Croatia before.

Under her leadership, the Croatian men’s futsal team achieved some impressive results, including a victory over Spain, one of the top teams in the world.

In 2020, Nemćić was appointed as the coach of the Croatian women’s football team. This was another historic moment, as she became the first woman to coach the national women’s team in her country. Nemćić’s appointment was welcomed by many, who saw it as a sign of progress for women in football.

Nemćić’s visit at LUNEX University was an opportunity for her to share her experience and knowledge with the next generation of coaches. She spoke about the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated field, and she offered advice on how to overcome those challenges.

Nemćić’s success as a coach is an inspiration to women in sports and beyond.

Picture: Tirana Nemcic during her lecture


50, avenue du Parc des Sports / 4671 Differdange / Luxembourg

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