Department of Sport :
Programmes d’études
Department of Sport
Enseignants et professeurs
« Le sport nous passionne, nous motive et préserve notre santé. Le sport nous rend performants. C’est pour cette raison que le département de sciences du sport place les effets bénéfiques du mouvement et du sport sur la santé et sur l’augmentation des performances au cœur de l’enseignement et de la recherche. Pour cela, nous étudions différents milieux, conditions et prenons en compte le groupe-cible ainsi que la pyramide des âges. Un autre aspect important de notre travail est la programmation, la mise en place et l’évaluation des entraînements destinées à améliorer les performances des athlètes. »
Prof. Dr. Matthias Afting
Member of the Board of Directors
Adjunct Professor in International Health Management
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mierau
Member of the Board of Directors
Academic Director
Head of Department of Sport and Exercise Science
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberto Meroni
Associate Professor in Physiotherapy
Head of Department of Health
Chair of the Ethics Committee
Senate Chair
Prof. Dr. Mathieu Winand
Head of Department of Management
Chair of Teaching and Learning Council
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Marco De Nunzio
Professor in Technology and Innovation in Health and Sport
Head of Research and Development
Chair of the Research Council
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kim Buchholtz
Assistant Professor in Physiotherapy
Programme Leader Bachelor in Physiotherapy
Chair of the Examination Board
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fraser Carson
Associate Professor in Coaching and Sport Psychology
Programme Leader Bachelor in Sport and Exercise Science
Chair of the Teaching and Learning Council
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thorben Hülsdünker
Associate Professor in Performance Neuroscience and Sport Neurophysiology
Programme Leader Master in Sport and Exercise Science
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohannad Kafri
Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics
Programme Leader Bachelor in Nutrition, Fitness and Health
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jessica Price
Assistant Professor in Corporate Health Management and Sustainability
Programme Leader Bachelor Corporate Health Management and Well-being
Dr. Michela Bernini
Coordinator of the Science Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mario Molinara
Visiting Fellow in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Plus d'informationsSílvia Viana
Coordinator of the English Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme
Department of Management
Enseignants et professeurs
« La croissance grandissante du secteur sportif requiert une attention particulière sur la manière selon laquelle les organisations sportives sont gérées et leur impact économique et social. Au travers d’un enseignement de haute qualité, un service adapté aux besoins de la société et des axes de recherche innovants, les experts académiques du département en Management du Sport International à LUNEX souhaitent soutenir et influencer le paysage sportif au Luxembourg et au-delà. »
Prof. Dr. Matthias Afting
Member of the Board of Directors
Adjunct Professor in International Health Management
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mierau
Member of the Board of Directors
Academic Director
Head of Department of Sport and Exercise Science
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberto Meroni
Associate Professor in Physiotherapy
Head of Department of Health
Chair of the Ethics Committee
Senate Chair
Prof. Dr. Mathieu Winand
Head of Department of Management
Chair of Teaching and Learning Council
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Marco De Nunzio
Professor in Technology and Innovation in Health and Sport
Head of Research and Development
Chair of the Research Council
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kim Buchholtz
Assistant Professor in Physiotherapy
Programme Leader Bachelor in Physiotherapy
Chair of the Examination Board
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fraser Carson
Associate Professor in Coaching and Sport Psychology
Programme Leader Bachelor in Sport and Exercise Science
Chair of the Teaching and Learning Council
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thorben Hülsdünker
Associate Professor in Performance Neuroscience and Sport Neurophysiology
Programme Leader Master in Sport and Exercise Science
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohannad Kafri
Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics
Programme Leader Bachelor in Nutrition, Fitness and Health
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jessica Price
Assistant Professor in Corporate Health Management and Sustainability
Programme Leader Bachelor Corporate Health Management and Well-being
Dr. Michela Bernini
Coordinator of the Science Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mario Molinara
Visiting Fellow in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Plus d'informationsSílvia Viana
Coordinator of the English Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme
Department of Health :
Programmes d’études
Department of Health
Enseignants et professeurs
« À LUNEX, nous visons l’excellence en matière de formation en kinésithérapie et de recherche, pour être en phase avec les changements dans le domaine de la santé. Nous offrons à nos étudiants des programmes de formation de haute qualité, délivrés par des experts, dans un environnement dynamique et multiculturel. Notre mission est de délivrer la meilleure formation possible pour donner des moyens à la nouvelle génération de kinésithérapeutes, de préparer des professionnels qui seront prêts à affronter les défis futurs et à apporter une contribution exceptionnelle à leur domaine professionnel. »
Prof. Dr. Matthias Afting
Member of the Board of Directors
Adjunct Professor in International Health Management
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mierau
Member of the Board of Directors
Academic Director
Head of Department of Sport and Exercise Science
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberto Meroni
Associate Professor in Physiotherapy
Head of Department of Health
Chair of the Ethics Committee
Senate Chair
Prof. Dr. Mathieu Winand
Head of Department of Management
Chair of Teaching and Learning Council
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Marco De Nunzio
Professor in Technology and Innovation in Health and Sport
Head of Research and Development
Chair of the Research Council
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kim Buchholtz
Assistant Professor in Physiotherapy
Programme Leader Bachelor in Physiotherapy
Chair of the Examination Board
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fraser Carson
Associate Professor in Coaching and Sport Psychology
Programme Leader Bachelor in Sport and Exercise Science
Chair of the Teaching and Learning Council
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thorben Hülsdünker
Associate Professor in Performance Neuroscience and Sport Neurophysiology
Programme Leader Master in Sport and Exercise Science
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohannad Kafri
Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics
Programme Leader Bachelor in Nutrition, Fitness and Health
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jessica Price
Assistant Professor in Corporate Health Management and Sustainability
Programme Leader Bachelor Corporate Health Management and Well-being
Dr. Michela Bernini
Coordinator of the Science Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mario Molinara
Visiting Fellow in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Plus d'informationsSílvia Viana
Coordinator of the English Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme
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