Selected publications:
Marlier, M., Schyvinck, C., Constandt, B., De Bock, T., Winand, M., & Willem, A. (Forthcoming). The Value of an Intersectoral Capacity Building Approach to Promote Sports in Disadvantaged Communities. Social Inclusion.
Delshab, V., Winand, M., Sadeghi Boroujerdi, S., Pyun, D., & Mahmoudian, A. (2019). Analyzing the influence of employee values on knowledge management in sport organizations. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. doi: 10.1108/JSTPM-04-2018-0039
Kasale, L.L., Winand, M. & Morrow, S. (2019). A Stakeholder Approach to Performance Management in Botswana National Sport Organisations. Managing Sport & Leisure, 24(4), 226-243.
Winand, M., Belot, M., Merten, S., & Kolyperas, D. (2019). International Sport Federations’ Social Media Communication: A Content Analysis of FIFA’s Twitter Account. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12(2), 209-233. doi: 10.1123/ijsc.2018-0173
Dobbels, L., Voets, J., Marlier, M., De Waegeneer, E., & Willem, A. (2018). Why network structure and coordination matter: a social network analysis of sport for disadvantaged people. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(5), 572–593.
Winand, M. & Fergusson, C. (2018). More Decision-Aid Technology in Sport? An Analysis of Football Supporters’ Perceptions on Goal Line Technology. Soccer & Society, 19(7), 966-985.
Winand, M., & Anagnostopoulos, C. (2017). Get ready to innovate! Staff’s disposition to implement service innovation in non-profit sport organisations. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 9(4), 579-595.
Winand, M., Scheerder, J., Vos, S. & Zintz, T. (2016). Do non-profit sport organisations innovate? Types and preferences of service innovation within regional sport federations. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 18(3), 289-308.
Marlier, M., Van Dyck, D., Cardon, G., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Babiak, K., & Willem, A. (2015). Interrelation of Sport Participation, Physical Activity, Social Capital and Mental Health in Disadvantaged Communities: A SEM-Analysis. Plos One, 10(10), e0140196.
Marlier, M., Lucidarme, S., Cardon, G., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Babiak, K., & Willem, A. (2015). Capacity building through cross-sector partnerships: a multiple case study of a sport program in disadvantaged communities in Belgium. Bmc Public Health, 15(1), 1.