COVID-19: Research on early ICU physiotherapy by Dr. Corbellini

We take great pride to announce the participation, alongside a team of international respiratory physiotherapy experts, of Dr. Camilo Corbellini, lecturer in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy at LUNEX University, in the research on physiotherapy treatments for hospitalized Covid-19 patients submitted to mechanical ventilation.
- Late Breaking Abstract – Early ICU physiotherapy on SARS-CoV-2 patients: A Spanish experience case series
Camilo Corbellini, Inmaculada Vinuesa, Eleuterio A. Sánchez Romero, Gonzalo Ballesteros Reviriego, Pascual Bernal-Planas, Jorge Hugo Villafañe
European Respiratory Journal 2020 56: 334 - Spanish Experience of Pulmonar Rehabilitation Efficacy for Patients Affected by the Novel SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) A Case Report
Gonzalo Ballesteros Reviriego, MSc, PT; Bernat Planas Pascual, MSc, PT; Alberto Rojo Ruiz, MSc, PT;
Eleuterio A. Sánchez Romero, PhD; Camilo Corbelini, PhD; Jorge Hugo Villafañe, PhD
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation • Volume 36, Number 4, 212-214 • Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
The results of these case studies were presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) congress, the most important pulmonology congress worldwide.
With regard to the lack of information about physiotherapy effects in this context, the results of these two cases studies are essential to demonstrate the feasibility of early physiotherapy in such patients. The study revealed early physiotherapy improved lung secretion removal, respiratory mechanics outcomes, gas exchange, and muscle strength without adverse effects.
Featured Image: Dr. Camilo Corbellini, Lecturer in the Department of Physiotherapy © LUNEX University