Student testimonial – Marah pursues her goal to be a physiotherapist through the obstacles

« I’ve played basketball since I was a young kid. In Syria, I had reached the highest level. While I was a professional basketball player, I realized how important a physiotherapist is for the team.
I had planned for my future as follows: I will get a bachelor’s degree in sports science in Syria and will specialize in physiotherapy for athletes. Unfortunately, when I graduated from high school, the war had already started and I was only able to achieve the first step of my plan.
Entering LUNEX was the best solution for me, but the only obstacle was learning English. I did the Pre-Bachelor program at LUNEX. The staff was very friendly, understanding, and always ready to help. My English improved tremendously. In October 2021, I passed the entrance exam and got officially accepted at LUNEX University. Now, here I am in the second year of the physical therapy program.
I believe that nothing is impossible as long as you keep chasing your dream, no matter the obstacles you may face: keep trying and never give up! Or as they say, “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” »
Featured image: Marah Jabr