LUNEX Sports Teams at the 2024 TOSS Competition

This May, LUNEX sports teams, managed by the LUNEX Student Union (LSU), participated in the TOSS (Tournoi OmniSport de Supélec) competition, a well-known student tournament organized by the CentraleSupélec Sports Office since 1989. The event brought together 4,500 students from various French and international schools and universities, including LUNEX.
Our teams faced various challenges and delivered strong performances throughout the competition.

Cheerleading Team

After months of preparation, the cheerleading team executed their routines with precision. Their efforts resulted in a second-place finish, reflecting their hard work refining their stunts and choreography.

Football and Rugby Teams

The football and rugby teams made noticeable progress this year. Both teams advanced to the quarterfinals, demonstrating their development and commitment to building competitive squads.

Volleyball Team

The volleyball team, which regularly practices in Schifflange, reached the quarterfinals. This achievement marks a step forward for the team as they continue to grow and improve their skills.

Swimming and Tennis Teams

The swimming and tennis teams secured first-place finishes at the TOSS competition. Their consistent training and focus on performance contributed to their success in these events.

10km Race

In the 10km race, our students placed 28th out of 35 teams, with a combined time of 3 hours and 18 minutes. Despite the tough competition, they completed the race with determination.

Climbing, Ultimate Frisbee, and Boxing Teams

The climbing, ultimate frisbee, and boxing teams all made it to the round of 16, showcasing their skills and tenacity in challenging brackets.

Handball Team

The handball team advanced to the second round before being knocked out. Although they didn’t progress further, their participation laid a foundation for future improvement.

The 2024 TOSS competition provided valuable experience and highlighted the efforts of LUNEX students in their respective sports. Congratulations to all teams on their performances. The LSU and the sports teams look ahead to future competitions.

Students at the TOSS 2024


50, avenue du Parc des Sports / 4671 Differdange / Luxembourg

Bon à savoir

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  • Copie de votre carte d’identité
  • Copie du diplôme d’études supérieures et/ou de la qualification professionnelle la plus élevée que vous avez obtenue
  • Certificat de langue (le cas échéant)

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