Neck Pain and Associated Disorders:
An evidence-based approach for assessment and management
Price:550euros LUNEXalumnidiscount:450euros ALKmembersdiscount:450euros Placementpartnersdiscount:450euros LUNEXstudentdiscount:350euros
In Luxembourg, after having taken note of the medical diagnosis/prescription, the physiotherapist establishes under his responsibility a physiotherapy diagnosis based on a functional assessment. Then, the physiotherapist decides on the best treatments to be used to manage patients suffering from neck pain safely and effectively (art. 7; Règlement grand-ducal du 6 novembre 2018 déterminant le statut, les attributions et les règles de l’exercice de la profession de santé de masseur-kinésithérapeute).
At the end of the course, the learner will master an evidence-based approach for the assessment and treatment of neck pain with a focus on manual therapy treatments of immediate implications in daily clinical practice.
Meet the instructor
Dr. Firas Mourad
Our educational level is in line with the highest international education standards. Dr. Firas Mourad, Assistant Professor at LUNEX, earned a PhD on this topic, and is experienced having taught spinal manipulation around the world.