Research: new project SAMURAI on RTL Luxembourg

RTL Luxembourg visited LUNEX to document our new SAMURAI research project supervised by Assoc.Prof.Alessandro de Nunzio and funded by the EUROBENCH project. The project aims at studying muscular fatigue, while using a lower-limb powered exoskeleton (ExoAtlet II, ExoAtlet S.A., Luxembourg) in young, healthy subjects.
Spasticity, a condition in which there is an abnormal increase in muscle tone or stiffness of muscle, is a highly prevalent consequence of the induced neurodegenerative processes triggered by a spinal cord injury and represents one of the factors leading to fatigue and impacting the quality of life of those suffering such traumatic event. Powered lower-limb exoskeletons represent a promising solution for the rehabilitation of gait and standing of people with lower-body paralysis or severe paresis.
Two of our students in Sport and Exercise Science conducted a mock experiment on a Physiotherapy schoolmate in front on RTL cameras, while Assoc.Prof. Alessandro de Nunzio explained the science behind it. Stay tuned for the documentary!
Featured image: Alessandro de Nunzio with a student subject of the mock experiment